Many of my published articles are inspirational non-fiction. This genre of writing is challenging, and my experience with it makes me a better writer overall. Understanding how to speak about the heart is essential when dealing with issues related to personal growth, healing and trauma, religion and spirituality, relationships, and major life choices.

One of my favorite examples of my work in inspirational non-fiction writing is the cover story for Vol. 27 #4 of the Eastern Orthodox magazine AGAIN, titled Longing For Other Worlds: Faith, Fantasy, and the Christian Imagination. Here is an excerpt:

If we don’t take fantasy seriously, we won’t bother trying to discern what is good and what is bad, and won’t provide guidance for the children deeply engaged in imaginative entertainments. I’ve found in raising my own sons that if I’m attentive, the fantasy stories of today offer many opportunities to discuss important ideas. From the Lion King Mufasa’s sacrifice, to Spiderman’s sense of responsibility, to Darth Vader’s repentance, there are insights to be found in many unexpected places. This is all the more true of the fantasy stories of the two great Christian storytellers of the twentieth century, Tolkien and Lewis. And thanks to the blockbuster movie adaptations of their works, many teachable moments flow from their worlds of Middle-Earth and Narnia.